Academic Eligibility:
1) Student-athletes are expected and required to maintain passing grades for all of their classes. Student-athletes should complete and submit all assignments on time, They should also check their grades through Schoology on a frequent basis.
2) If student-athletes have any questions about their grades or how to improve them, they should speak to that teacher directly. The preferred times to speak to a teacher are during lunch, before school, or after school. There may be occasional instances when it is appropriate to address these concerns before class, during class, or after class. Student-athletes may also email teachers with their questions. In general, student-athletes should expect that most assignments will be graded within 1 week of submitting the assignment.
3) Academic eligibility reports will be checked by the end of each week. Eligibility reports will generally be pulled sometime between 12 - 3 pm on Wednesday.
4) When the eligibility report is pulled, student-athletes may not have any failing grades. If a student-athlete has any failing grades when the eligibility report is pulled, that individual will be ineligible for all contests the following week (Monday - Saturday). The individual may not play in any contests for one full week, even if that student-athlete raises their grade during that time.
5) If the reason a student was ineligible was due to a teacher's mistake (for example, a score was incorrectly entered or the student was absent and received a zero before being given an opportunity to complete the assignment), they should ask their teacher to note it on the form.
6) Repeated issues with academic eligibility may result in the coach or building administration removing that student-athlete from the team.
Attendance Eligibility:
1) Student-athletes are expected and required to attend school whenever it is possible for that student to attend. If a student-athlete will be absent, they should email their coach.
2) Student-athletes that are absent from school on a given day may not participate in athletics on that given day.
3) Repeated issues with attendance eligibility may result in the coach or building administration removing that student-athlete from the team.
Behavior Eligibility:
1) Student-athletes are also expected and required to behave appopriately. These expectations extend to both District 11 and non-District 11 property, both during school hours and outside of school hours.
2) Student-athletes that are suspended on a given day may not participate in athletics on that given day.
3) Repeated or severe issues with behavior eligibility may result in the coach or building administration removing that student-athlete from the team.
*Eligibility is considered for academics, attendance, and behavior.